Friday, September 25, 2015


Every year there are elections happening Somewhere in our country. Some of us Vote and Some don't. Voting is the tool given to us by our Constitution to elect people who will Serve us for a fixed tenure of time. These people are supposed to execute the works assigned to them or perform duties expected from them. They are supposed to enact in a manner that benefits the Last of the Last Row person in our Society. But is it happening? This platform is created to help people understand their Rights and help them in deciding how they should cast their vote. This is an Apolitical Platform not supporting any Ideology. The only ideology is to help the People in understanding that they are Real Decision makers. It's in their hand whom they want to give opportunity. There will be Members who are Actively involved in Politics and are holding offices of different Political Parties. But their involvement is to help understand the other side and Not promote any particular Party or Ideology.


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