Monday, August 31, 2015

Is Raksha Bandhan Reduntant in today's World?

Just 2 days back India celebrated one of it’s famous festival: “The Raksha Bandhan“. There have been opposing views about this festival as are there for any other festival in India. But what struck most was a tweet of a Leading Female Journalist terming Raksha Bandhan as an Redundant Idea in modern India.
As per the journalist, it represents the male dominance thought of our society where a Male (Brother) gives assurance of protection to a female (Sister). Sounds correct and revolutionary. Yes, in a society where more and more women are trying to excel against all odds and are proving their mettle such an Idea has to be Redundant and done away with.
But I doubt she knew about “What the Idea” of Raksha Bandhan is?
Idea of Raksha Bandhan is as good or bad as “Beti Bachao” or “Save Girl Child” programs.
I still remember in our childhood, Raksha Bandhan was considered a festival of pride for brothers. More the number of Rakhi’s on hand, more the pride. Ones who didn’t have Sister, were pitied on and more often than not was adopted by one or other girl as Brother.
In our views, it was first ever movement on Beti Bachao or Save Girl Child. But with our desperation to prove our modern views and our efforts towards women empowerment, we are trying to criticise anything or everything which we don’t understand.
Celebrate the Idea of Raksha Bandhan. It’s our contribution in Save Girl Child program.
Your comments: For or against are welcome.

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